WASHINGTON, DC - April 19, 2013 — This week on BIZ+SOCIAL, we bring you the best from the Devex, CoExist, Washington Post and The Economist. GLOBAL PRO BONO A...
Tag Archives: IBM
As the former president of the Thunderbird School of Global Management, Ángel Cabrera knows that companies with global ambitions need a workforce – and a leadership pipel...
International Corporate Volunteer (ICV) programs are making an incredible difference in local communities around the world. There is one driving force behind this: corpo...
This week on BIZ+SOCIAL, we bring you the best from The New Global Citizen, Justmeans, the Huffington Post, The Guardian and more. IMPACT & INNOVATION Hult Pri...
Since 1999, Casa da Criança has remodeled the physical structures and improved the management of 33 youth centers and children’s hospitals in 15 States acros...
We are pleased to present this week’s summary of the latest news on Leadership, Global Pro Bono, Citizen Diplomacy, Enterprise Development, and more. LEADERS...
A growing number of corporations tout the billions of hours employees spend volunteering, and some have even made concerted efforts to engage in skills-based pro bono vol...
Known as the “Chicago of South America”, Rosario is Argentina’s third-largest city and is growing fast. Located in the Pampas, the breadbasket of Argentina, Rosario is on...
This October, CDC Development Solutions (CDS) sent a team of 13 IBM Corporate Service Corps Volunteer Consultants to Arequipa, Peru for 30 days. During that time, the CS...
When Brad Fogg did volunteer work in India, the adventure came with unwelcome insects and other discomforts, as well as a chance to benefit the country and find opportuni...